Amel | Language manual

I. Introduction

A. What is the Amel language?
Amel stands for A... Markup Extended Language. It aims at speeding HTML code writing by improving code readability and providing powerful yet simple to use mechanisms. The language allows to run external code written in other languages. Markdown syntax is also supported to allow fast text styling.

Here is how an Amel code compares to a classical HTML code:

<div id="surheader">
    <div class="conteneur_haut">
        <p class="gauche">
            <a href="/" class="actif">Le Monde</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank">Télérama</a>
            <a href="" target="_blank">La Vie</a>

            Le Monde
            La Vie

II. Language features
So, what can we do exactly with this language? Here is an overview of the different features.

II. A. Creating elements
The Amel language syntax was designed in a way that people experienced in HTML wouldn't have to learn a new language. Creating element is therefore very straightforward.

1. Simple exemple
Here is a quick example, showing how to create a simple div:

    Hello, world!

Hello, world!

The previous lines define a new div element with the “Hello, world!” text content. See how we create a new div element by writing the name of the HTML tag followed by an opening parenthesis. The parenthesis block contains the content of the element, here “Hello, world!”.

2. Classes and ids
Using the same syntax as css selectors, we can add classes or ids to our HTML elements. It goes like this:

    Hello, world!

Hello, world!

In this exemple, we create a new div with two classes ( class1 and class2 ) and an id ( id ). See how we used the intuitive css rule syntax.

3. Attributes

HTML element attributes can be set using the following syntax:

    Element value

Here is more concrete exemple with a link:

    Amel website

Amel website

4. Element inclusion
Including elements as children of other elements is straightforward in Amel. Here is a quick exemple:

style( {
    } {
        color: green;
    } {
        color: blue;

This text is black.
    This one is red.
        This one is green.
            This one is blue.

This text is black.
This one is red.
This one is green.
This one is blue.
B. Applying CSS
One can apply css rules in Amel using the following syntax.

// Style element
    div.red_class {
        color: red;
        font-weight: 500;

// Div element
    Hello, world!

Hello, world!

C. Commenting the code
1. Single line comments
Amel supports simple line comments using //.

Here is some normal text.
// This text is commented

Here is some normal text.
<!-- This text is commented -->

2. Multiple line comments
Multiple line comments are also supported with / ** / . See how lines aligned in the the Amel comments are aligned as well in the HTML output.

Here is some normal text.
/* Here is a
   multiple line
   comment -->

Here is some normal text.
<!-- Here is a
     multiple line
     comment -->

D. Formatting output
The Amel language supports markdown text formatting such as italic, bold, stroke, or a combination of those.

This is _italic_ text. Here is some __bold__ text. Some --stroke-- text.
Finally, here is a ___--combination--___ of those.

This is italic text. Here is some bold text. Some stroke text.
Finally, here is a combination of those.

E. Constants: Definition and usage
In Amel language, constants can be defined and recalled with the following syntax:

@title = "Main title"
The title of the page is: @title.

The title of the page is: Main title.

Any word preceded by a @ will be considered either as a constant use or a constant definition. If a constant is undefined, it will be prepended with a ? symbol in the use context.

The constant @text is undefined.

The constant ?text is undefined.

F. Experimental features
1. The extern keyword
The extern keyword let users execute a section of code in an external language and include the result of the execution into Amel code. At the moment, only Javascript is supported. In order to use this feature, the user includes javascript in an extern amel block and return an object which properties will be included as constants in the amel environment.

Here is an exemple of text rendered through an external language with the extern keyword.

    var radius = 2;
    var surface = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);
    return { surface: surface * 2, radius: radius };
The surface of a circle with a radius of @radius is @surface.

The surface of a circle with a radius of 2 is 25.132741228718345.

The javascript code has to return an object containing the variables to import in the current environment. Here, we calculate the surface of a circle with a radius of 2.

Here is another exemple of the extern keyword listing connected volumes on the current system:

    var fs = require( "fs" );
    var files = fs.readdirSync( "/Volumes" );
    return { file: files.join( "\n- " ), amount: files.length };
There are currently @amount storage devices on this computer:
- @file

There are currently 4 storage devices on this computer:
- Backup
- Home
- MobileBackups